[Gluster-users] Mount GlusterFS from localhost

Joel Young jdy at cryregarder.com
Fri Dec 13 16:40:44 UTC 2013

I use a systemd file in /etc/systemd/system such as the attached.  You also
want to make sure you've done an

<http://www.linkedin.com/in/joeldyoung/>systemctl enable
systemctl enable work.mount
systemctl start work.mount


On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Vadim Nevorotin <malamut at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I need to mount glusterfs from localhost. So both server and client are on
> the same host.
> I've add to fstab
> localhost:/srv_tftp /srv/tftp glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
> Then
> mount -a
> Ok, in this case all work great. But after reboot nothing is mounted,
> because GlusterFS server starts after network and after remote FS.
> Is there any solutions to fix this problem? I use Debian, but I think that
> the same problem is in all other distros. As I understand it's impossible
> to execute init script after network is ready, but before remote fs are
> mounted. It can fix the problem, but may be there is some different
> solution?
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