[Gluster-users] Healing entries get healed but there are constantly new entries appearing

Karthik Subrahmanya ksubrahm at redhat.com
Thu Feb 6 11:51:55 UTC 2020

Hi Ulrich,

>From the problem statement, seems like the client(s) have lost connection
with brick. Can you give the following information?
- How many clients are there for this volume and which version they are in?
- gluster volume info <vol-name> & gluster volume status <vol-name> outputs
- Check whether all the clients are connected to all the bricks.
If you are using the fuse clients give the output of the following from all
the clients
cat <mount-path>/.meta/graphs/active/<vol-name>-client-*/private | egrep -i
-If you are using non fuse clients generate the statedumps (
https://docs.gluster.org/en/latest/Troubleshooting/statedump/) of each
clients and give the output of
grep -A 2 "xlator.protocol.client" /var/run/gluster/<dump-file>
(If you have changed the statedump-path replace the path in the above


On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 5:06 PM Ulrich Pötter <ulrich.poetter at menzel-it.net>

> Dear Gluster Users,
> we are running the following Gluster setup:
> Replica 3 on 3 servers. Two are CentOs 7.6 with Gluster 6.5 and one was
> upgraded to Centos 7.7 with Gluster 6.7.
> Since the upgrade to gluster 6.7 on one of the servers, we encountered
> the following issue:
> New healing entries appear and get healed, but soon afterwards new
> healing entries appear.
> The abovementioned problem started after we upgraded the server.
> The healing issues do not only appear on the upgraded server, but on all
> three.
> This does not seem to be a split brain issue as the output of the
> command "gluster volume head <vol> info split-brain" is "number of
> entries in split-brain: 0"
> Has anyone else observed such behavior with different Gluster versions
> in one replica setup?
> We hesitate with updating the other nodes, as we do not know if this
> standard Gluster behaviour or if there is more to this problem.
> Can you help us?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ulrich
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