[Gluster-users] gluster 3.7.5 low speed on write and heavy load

Alastair Neil ajneil.tech at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 20:57:11 UTC 2015

I believe if this is replica 3 then you would expect 40 MB/s, as the client
has to write to 3 bricks.  You only mentioned 2 servers so I assume this is
at most replica 2, so 60 MB/s would be what I would expect.  This is still
1.5-3x the numbers you are reporting though.

On 16 October 2015 at 16:43, Kandalf ® <tinuro at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I also tried more gluster version but the same situation.If I use iscsi
> for example to export a raw image... I have 120MB/s write speed.
> On Friday, October 16, 2015 11:42 PM, Kandalf ® <tinuro at yahoo.com> wrote:
> If I write with DD in linux locally to the same cluster node... or via
> network I have 120MB/s. the full speed of te 1 Gbps.
> But if I write to an RAW Image File... like vmdk in vmware... I have
> average of 20-40MB/s only.
> On Friday, October 16, 2015 11:31 PM, Alastair Neil <ajneil.tech at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I'm getting confused, 120 mb/s is less that 20 MB/s  unless you mean
> 120MB/s?
> On 16 October 2015 at 16:26, Kandalf ® <tinuro at yahoo.com> wrote:
> No, is real speed. From any computer linux or esxi if I write via NFS with
> dd utility I have this speed. But if I try to write to one raw file like
> esxi does in vmdk, than the speed drops to 20-40mb/s. So my issue is low
> speed when I write into raw image file (using losetup and DD on linux , or
> esxi vmdk - vm guest)
> On Friday, October 16, 2015 8:31 PM, Alastair Neil <ajneil.tech at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> is that a typo 120mb/s?  Is this volume replica 2 or distributed or both?
> On 16 October 2015 at 08:05, Kandalf ® <tinuro at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 server with centos 7 and I want to make a replicate storage
> cluster for the esxi.
> In both server I have 4 disk in raid 5 mdadm. The write speed on that
> device is ~250-300MB/s all the time.
> I create xfs file system on the mdadm and I exported that gluster volume
> via native fuse nfs v3 to the esxi.
> Read seed is great but when I try to write to the guest vms I see
> 20-40MB/s only. I try the test also with gluster distributed with only one
> brick to one server. If I take one dd write from esxi to the cluster I
> receive 120mb/s the full ethernet link speed. I also try to mount to linux
> that volumes and try dd write and the write speed is 120mb/s.
> But if I try to mount an raw file image with losetup, or use vmdk files,
> and if I write to them, the speed is 20-40MB/s and I see 12 load on linux.
> Can someone help me?
> Thanks!
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