[Gluster-users] Replace brick 3.4.2 with 3.6.2?

aytac zeren aytaczeren at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 21:27:53 UTC 2015

Hi John,

3.6.2 is a major release and introduces some new features in cluster wide
concept. Additionally it is not stable yet. The best way of doing it would
be establishing another 3.6.2 cluster, accessing 3.4.0 cluster via nfs or
native client, and copying content to 3.6.2 cluster gradually. While your
volume size decreases on 3.4.0 cluster, you can unmount 3.4.0 members from
cluster, upgrade them and add 3.6.2 trusted pool with brick. Please be
careful while doing this operation, as number of nodes in your cluster
should be reliable with your cluster design. (Stripped, Replicated,
Distributed or a combination of them).

Notice: I don't take any responsibility on the actions you have undertaken
with regards to my recommendations, as my recommendations are general and
does not take your archtiectural design into consideration.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:19 PM, John Gardeniers <
jgardeniers at objectmastery.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We have a gluster volume consisting of a single brick, using replica 2.
> Both nodes are currently running gluster 3.4.2 and I wish to replace one of
> the nodes with a new server (rigel), which has gluster 3.6.2
> Following this link:
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Storage/2.1/html/
> Administration_Guide/Replacing_an_Old_Brick_with_a_
> New_Brick_on_a_Replicate_or_Distribute-replicate_Volume.html
> I tried to do a replace brick but got "volume replace-brick: failed: Host
> rigel is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state". Is this due to a version
> incompatibility or is it due to some other issue? A bit of googling reveals
> the error message in bug reports but I've not yet found anything that
> applies to this specific case.
> Incidentally, the clients (RHEV bare metal hypervisors, so we have no
> upgrade option) are running 3.4.0. Will this be a problem if the nodes are
> on 3.6.2?
> regards,
> John
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