[Gluster-users] help with replace-brick migrate

Mariusz Sobisiak MSobisiak at ydp.pl
Wed Dec 18 13:28:41 UTC 2013

> The result of  # find .glusterfs/ -type f -links 1 is empty ... 

You run it on old gluster (where is 2TB)? It may take a long time. So in fact it very strange. 
You can use that other find command to compare amount of data.

> I thinked that add these 2 new bricks in the same volume with replica 4, and use self-heal to replicate all data... what you think ?

You can abort replace-brick. And do it again. I thought you want migrate data to another server, now you want expand volume? Of course if you want just only expand you can use add-brick command.


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