[Gluster-users] File deletion gets corrupted on cluster-resize.

Raghavendra Bhat raghavendrabhat at gluster.com
Thu Sep 8 07:32:39 UTC 2011

Hi Kazuyoshi Tlacaelel,

Can you please provide the glusterfs client, glusterfs server and glusterd
logs? They will be present in /usr/local/var/log/glusterfs for source
installation (if you hace installed with some prefix, then logs will be
present in <prefix_path>/var/log/glusterfs). If you have installed from rpm,
then logs will be present in /var/log/glusterfs.

Also can you provide the output of gluster volume info <volname>?


Raghavendra Bhat

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Kazuyoshi Tlacaelel <kazu.dev at gmail.com>wrote:

> Two master-servers, one client.
> *Client mount point is*: */gluster*
> *replica is*: *2*
> A *testing-directory* (git repo) with data exists, and is used for testing
> the following.
> *STEP 1*
>    - First, we copy the* testing-directory* to /gluster/original
>    - Then, we copy the *testing-directory* to /gluster/delete
> *STEP 2*
>    - Copy /gluster/original to /gluster/internal_copy
>    - Copy *testing-directory* to /gluster/external_copy
>    - Delete /gluster/delete
> cp -r rails /gluster/external_copy & cp -r /gluster/original
> /gluster/internal_copy & rm -rf /gluster/delete
> While executing the command above, only the delete part returns an error:
> *rm: FATAL: directory `/gluster/delete/activerecord/test/migrations'
> changed dev/ino*
> *Note*: that this corruption only happens while the a new-brick is added
> to the system.
> and that that is executed at the same time as *STEP 2*.
> Which purpose is to replicate a live production environment.
> I've confirmed that the files within the following directories are
> consistent:
>    - /gluster/original
>    - /gluster/external_copy
>    - /gluster/internal_copy
> But delete doesn't get deleted, its actually just "*partially-deleted*".
> then, when everything is done, and a delete is performed manually the
> directory gets deleted just fine.
> *fuse init (API version 7.13)* Haven't done any gluster-recommended
> fuse-compilation
> *glusterfs 3.2.3 built on Aug 23 2011 18:54:07 *Error is replicable in
> this version.
> *glusterfs 3.1.2 built on Jan 18 2011 11:19:54 *Error is replicable in
> this version.
> *Ubuntu 10.4 64bit *All tests were performed in this machines.
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