[Gluster-users] Performance questions/tweaks on Gluster

Scott Whitney scott at journyx.com
Fri May 21 16:36:00 UTC 2010

I've now got Gluster 3.04 up and running on my servers. 


gluster1 - back end file server 
gluster2 - ditto. Redundant. These are setup with the --raid 1 option 
app1 - my app server mounts /data/export on /home 
app2 - ditto 

The appropriate conf files are attached. 

My simple test involves reading an input file and writing it to the Gluster home versus local /tmp. 

Writing is 65x-ish slower. Reading is 28x-ish slower. Now, obviously, there's some overhead with regards to the Gluster system, and while the overall numbers themselves aren't bad in the real world, I'm wondering what, if any, performance tweaks I could be using to help this out. 

The app servers are far more read-heavy than write-heavy. Writing will be done in small chunks appending to files (audit logging, uploading images, writing out temp files from the application). 

glusterTest output: 

Writing 4879 lines to /home/output 
Writing 4879 lines to /tmp/output 
Reading /home/output 
Read 43911 lines in 0.757484197617 seconds. 
Reading /tmp/output 
Read 43911 lines in 0.0274169445038 seconds. 
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