[Gluster-devel] Interested in improving usability of Wireshark for Gluster?

Niels de Vos ndevos at redhat.com
Sun Apr 13 09:56:15 UTC 2014

Hi all,

since a while I have been working on adding and improving support for 
debugging and analyzing network traffic from Gluster. Being able to read 
the details from a network capture that contains Gluster traffic has 
already been a major help while debugging issues that customers reported 
for Red Hat Storage (based on Gluster).

Because debugging problems and analyzing network captures is part of my 
job, I should be relatively experienced in working with Wireshark. It 
seems that others have an interest in using Wireshark for checking 
Gluster network traffic too. The current support for Gluster in 
Wireshark is very usable, but there are several things that can be made 
a little easier. For this, I have started a TODO list[1] on the wiki[2] 
of the Wireshark project on the Gluster Forge[3].

I'd like to ask anyone who is interested in analyzing Gluster network 
traffic with Wireshark to:

* document example steps and procedures that help with looking into 
  captured network traffic, add them (or a link) to the wiki[2]
* add ideas to the TODO list[1]
* work on items from the TODO list[1]
* write patches, post merge requests or file patches upstream

Please let me know if you have any questions related to Gluster and 
Wireshark. I'm happy to explain some tactics that can be used to analyze 
your network traffic in return for a detailed mailinglist-post, 
blog-post or wiki update ;-)


[1] https://forge.gluster.org/wireshark/pages/Todo
[2] https://forge.gluster.org/wireshark/pages/Home
[3] https://forge.gluster.org/wireshark

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