[Gluster-devel] Clean up build system

Kaleb S. KEITHLEY kkeithle at redhat.com
Mon Sep 24 12:27:07 UTC 2012

On 09/24/2012 04:56 AM, Niels de Vos wrote:
> I wanted to offer to be a proxy for these patches,
> but I am not allowed to push these under your name for review. Maybe
> someone (Avati?) can offer you the same service, or give me those
> permissions.
> (http://review.gluster.org/Documentation/error-you-are-not-author.html)

If Jan can't be convinced to file BZs and get a throw-away gmail account 
to submit to gerritt — two easy things to do which I consider an 
indication of how important someone thinks their bugs and fixes are — 
and someone like Niels agrees with the need to fix these bugs and wants 
to submit them on Jan's behalf, I don't see why that shouldn't happen. 
Credit may be given where credit is due, e.g. by mentioning him in the 
commit comments and BZ text. And he should be cc-ed in the BZ too.



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