[Gluster-devel] I have some general questions...

Krishna Srinivas krishna at zresearch.com
Mon Apr 21 06:39:31 UTC 2008

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 9:55 PM, B P <bajicpredrag at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi, I have some general question abbout glusterfs
>  1. Does glusterfs have load-balancing capabilities?

In what context?

>  2. Wich translators provide a parallel reading and parallel writing?
>  Other words, do I have to use unify translator to achive paralell I/O to/from multiple disks, or I can achive that only by using AFR (if that is the case, then what it is the use of unify for)?

I feel you have not got the correct picture of using translators. AFR
is used for
replication of files for redundancy. Unify is used to distribute the files among
the subvolumes.

>  3. Is the FUSE real necessary and what are the benefits of using FUSE on client side?

Glusterfs client will need fuse, absolutely needed.


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