[Bugs] [Bug 1315024] glusterfs-libs postun scriptlet fail /sbin/ldconfig: relative path `1' used to build cache

bugzilla at redhat.com bugzilla at redhat.com
Tue Mar 8 16:48:57 UTC 2016


--- Comment #9 from Vijay Bellur <vbellur at redhat.com> ---
COMMIT: http://review.gluster.org/13613 committed in master by Kaleb KEITHLEY
(kkeithle at redhat.com) 
commit 5cb80ac63b17a3c34d4deef1816e1782757687d9
Author: Kaleb S KEITHLEY <kkeithle at redhat.com>
Date:   Sat Mar 5 16:06:18 2016 -0500

    packaging: rpm scriptlet cleanup, handle -p /sbin/ldconfig

    The RPM documention indicates that during an rpm install or erase, the
    script(lets): %post, %preun, and %postun (and %pre, %build, %install,
    etc.) are copied to a temp file, and then the temp file is run as a
    (/bin/sh or bash) script.

    Unfortunately the documentation is not clear about how rpmbuild and/or
    rpm determine where the end of any scriptlet is when it is copied to
    the file.

    Most things in the glusterfs.spec work correctly as is. These are the
    %preun, %post, and %postun scriptlets that are "closed" by a following
    %preun, %post, and %postun, or poetentially another scriptlet, e.g.

    The ones that don't work correctly (only one actually) are those where
    there is a comment in the spec file before it is closed by another
    scriptlet. Further complicating things is that the type of scriptlet
    affects what rpm does and what `rpm -qp --scripts ...` shows.

    The specific one that didn't work was the "%postun libs" scriptlet. It
    is followed by a comment before being "closed" by the %files section (or
    scriptlet). It can be written two ways: "%postun libs\n/sbin/ldconfig"
    or "%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig" Either way it's written, `rpm -qp
    --scripts glusterfs-libs...` will include the comment lines between the
    %postun libs line and the following %files line.

    But the way rpm executes these depends on how they're written. If
    written as "%postun libs\n/sbin/ldconfig" rpm will simply run
    /sbin/ldconfig with no command line options, i.e.
      execve ("/sbin/ldconfig", [ "/sbin/ldconfig" ], [ ]);

    But when written as "%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig", it will copy
    the comment lines to a temp file, and pass the temp file name and "1"
     as (command line) parameters, i.e.
      execve ("/sbin/ldconfig", [ "/sbin/ldconfig", "/tmp/tmpXXXXXX", "1" ],
              [ ]);

    Which results in ldconfig exiting with an error. (Remember, both ways show
    the comment in `rpm -qp --scripts ...`)

    (Note though, that the similar "%postun api -p /sbin/ldconfig" is run
    correctly, because it is "closed" by the following "%postun server"

    Finally, through trial and error, it appears that rpm can be tricked with
    a hack, and "closure" of the scriptlet forcedlike this:

     %postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig

     %if ( 0%{?_undocumented_hack_closes_scriptlets} )

    in which case ldconfig appears to run correctly. Note also that here too
    the comment will be included in the output of `rpm -qp --scripts ...`
    But that's very ugly hack.

    Change-Id: I587a490ddcdf47d01605479bc8ef8b0e439108fb
    BUG: 1315024
    Signed-off-by: Kaleb S KEITHLEY <kkeithle at redhat.com>
    Reviewed-on: http://review.gluster.org/13613
    Smoke: Gluster Build System <jenkins at build.gluster.com>
    Reviewed-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com>
    NetBSD-regression: NetBSD Build System <jenkins at build.gluster.org>
    CentOS-regression: Gluster Build System <jenkins at build.gluster.com>
    Reviewed-by: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur at redhat.com>

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