[gluster-packaging] volunteers for packaging 3.5.7

Kaleb S. KEITHLEY kkeithle at redhat.com
Mon Dec 14 16:18:54 UTC 2015

On 12/14/2015 11:15 AM, Manikandan Selvaganesh wrote:
> Manikandan* has volunteered for Debian.
> (Typo :P)

Oops, sorry.

> --
> Regards,
> Manikandan Selvaganesh.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeithle at redhat.com>
> To: packaging at gluster.org
> Cc: "M S Vishwanath Bhat" <vbhat at redhat.com>, hgowtham at redhat.com, "Poornima Gurusiddaiah" <pgurusid at redhat.com>, "Kaushal M" <kaushal at redhat.com>
> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 9:42:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [gluster-packaging] volunteers for packaging 3.5.7
> Mandikandan has volunteered for Debian.
> Koji scratch builds for Fedora and EPEL are:
> f22: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=12186658
> f23: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=12186668
> f24: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=12186675
> el5: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=12186683
> el6: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=12186691
> el7: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=12186697
> On 12/14/2015 10:39 AM, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
>> On 11/25/2015 09:34 AM, Kaleb KEITHLEY wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We need the following builds:
>>>  Debian:
>>>   Debian wheezy, on rhs-vm-12
>>>   Debian jessie, on rhs-vm-13
>>>   Debian stretch, on rhs-vm-16
>>>  Ubuntu:
>>>   Ubuntu precise, trusty, wily, on Launchpad (using rhs-vm-17)
>>>  Fedora/EPEL:
>>>   Fedora and EPEL, scratch build list at the end.
>>> Note: signing keys have changed. This only affects Debian, Fedora, and
>>> EPEL. Refer to the instructions I have sent previously. Anywhere you see
>>> command line options to specify the signing key, e.g. -k1F561CF9 or -k
>>> 1F561CF9, now use the new key instead. All the Debian builds will use
>>> -k9BCD55B2 or -k 9BCD55B2. (The Ubuntu launchpad builds have not
>>> changed.) The password(s) can be found in ~glusterpackager/README on all
>>> the systems. As always, keep the keys and passwords safe. I.e. don't
>>> copy them to other systems.
>>> (You can see the keys as user glusterpackager with `gpg --list-keys`.)
>>> All the Fedora, EPEL6, and EPEL7 RPMs are to be signed with the 2048-bit
>>> RSA key. This is the default. EPEL5 RPMs need to be signed with the
>>> 1024-bit DSA key. To do this, as user glusterpackager, edit
>>> ~glusterpackager/.rpmmacros. Change the _gpg_name to 0xF4090983.
>>> Remember to restore the _gpg_name to 0x9BCD55B2 afterwards
>>> The EPEL5 repo metadata files need to be created with md5 checksums. Use
>>> `createrepo -s md5 .`
>>> The new download.gluster.org has restricted access. Use
>>> rhs-vm-18.gdev.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com to download and sign the RPMs and
>>> create the repos. All the scripts to download from koji are there. (sign
>>> on as root/redhat, create your own account if you want.) Afterwards tar
>>> up the repos and tell me where the tar file is and I'll upload to d.g.o.
>>> Likewise for the Debian builds. Let me know when they're done and I'll
>>> upload them to d.g.o.
>>> Also, please remember to `git push` your Debian and Ubuntu changes.
>>> Reply here. First come, first served. Please do the builds you actually
>>> volunteered for. I think there was some slight confusion about who was
>>> doing what the last time.
>>> Thanks



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