[GEDI] Planning for integration projects in GitHub

Prasanna Kalever pkalever at redhat.com
Thu Jun 8 15:43:07 UTC 2017

On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 7:05 PM, Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:
> We have a new GitHub repository and project management area for tracking
> progress on integration tasks that are external of the GlusterFS
> sources:
>     https://github.com/gluster/integration/issues
>     https://github.com/gluster/integration/projects
> The aim is to show more of the integration work that is being done, and
> track feature requests and related tasks. Currently the different tasks
> are in a Trello board at https://trello.com/b/B2WC95T2/gedi . The GitHub
> project should make it more accessible for contributions and comments
> from different communities that have an interest in Gluster
> integrations.

This is really cool thought Niels!
This indeed helps in saving all the duplication of github onto trello,
also it actually encourage to do every little thing upstream.
Even as a contributor I see there are real benefits in getting the
real time features/elements on going under a project.

> All tasks will need to be reported as a GitHub issue. It is possible for
> different integration projects to have their own management planning. As
> a start, I have created a 'Language Bindings' project to see how things
> can get listed.

It will be really cool if there is a plugin, which is capable of
declaring every open issue (or issue filtered under some label) are
automatically captured under TODO lane of respective projects. I doubt
if there is one such.

> Note that some projects that are part of "integration" have their own
> GitHub repository (like GlusterFS itself, gluster-block). Those projects
> might require the planning to happen at their respective areas. We'll
> have to figure out how to reference/link these tasks from one to
> another. Hopefully it is easier than doing this between GitHub and
> Trello.

sure for gluster-block, will try to create one at [1]

> There currently is no content under the integration git repository.
> Until there is a new website for the Gluster Community, we can probably
> use the repository to work out some contents of different projects and
> how they integrate with Gluster. This idea/request for the new website
> was earlier sent to the list:
>   http://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/integration/2017-May/000025.html
> Whoever wants to work on a project that can use some planning area for
> keeping track of tasks an progress, please reply to this email with your
> GitHub username and we'll make sure to give you access. Let us know what
> you are actively working on so that we can add that to some document on
> the new website.

I'm interested and opting for maintaining gluster-block related items
under this planning area.
GitHub Username: pkalever

[1] https://github.com/gluster/gluster-block/projects


> Thanks,
> Niels
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