[heketi-devel] SUCCESS: Container build: gluster/storagesig-heketi:latest is complete

container-build-reports at centos.org container-build-reports at centos.org
Tue Sep 11 18:16:20 UTC 2018

CentOS Community Container Pipeline Service <https://github.com/centos/container-index>

Build status:		Success
Image:			registry.centos.org/gluster/storagesig-heketi:latest
Build logs:		https://registry.centos.org/pipeline-logs/YzIyMWI1OGMxZm
Cause of build:		RPM update in enabled repos

Dockerfile linter results:

# Analyzing /root/scan/Dockerfile


Line 1: -> FROM registry.centos.org/centos/centos:latest
ERROR: base image uses 'latest' tag. using the 'latest' tag may cause unpredictable builds. It is recommended that a specific tag is used in the FROM line or *-released which is the latest supported release.. 
Reference -> https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#from

ERROR: Required LABEL name/key 'Name' is not defined. 
Reference -> http://docs.projectatomic.io/container-best-practices/#_recommended_labels_for_your_project


Line 2: -> MAINTAINER Heketi Developers <heketi-devel at gluster.org>
INFO: the MAINTAINER command is deprecated. MAINTAINER is deprecated in favor of using LABEL since Docker v1.13.0. 
Reference -> https://github.com/docker/cli/blob/master/docs/deprecated.md#maintainer-in-dockerfile

INFO: There is no 'CMD' instruction. None. 
Reference -> https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#cmd

Hosted linter results : https://registry.centos.org/pipeline-logs/YzIyMWI1OGMxZm/linter_results.txt

Do you have a query ?
Talk to Pipeline team on #centos-devel at freenode

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