[heketi-devel] Meeting Minutes for 2017.12.20

Jose A. Rivera jarrpa at redhat.com
Tue Dec 20 16:21:50 UTC 2016

Discussions on Release 4:


   Tentative release date for January 21, 2017

   Need to overhaul the centos-ci setup process

      Use prebuilt boxes: https://github.com/heketi/heketi/issues/629

      Improve docker image build (e.g. building in a vm or container in
      order to avoid the dvm workaround…)

      Host scripts and instructions for creating centos-ci boxes on
      https://github.com/heketi/vagrant-heketi or

      Use pre-existing VM for building the docker image

   Going through all the Issues attached to Release 4, deciding whether
   we're taking or deferring them

   Discussion on minimum brick size in heketi:

      Currently 4GB, some would like to be able to make it 1GB

      Raise an issue for release 4: Change minimum brick size to 1GB

         Claimed by Ashiq

         Make sure to update (or add) unit tests!

      Raise an issue for release 4: Change size of db-storage volume to
      smallest possible (1GB?)

         Claimed by Ashiq

         Make sure to update (or add) unit tests!

Discussion on future releases:


   Release 5: Tentative date for April, 2017

   Subsequent releases: Every 3-6 months

Future issues to discuss:


   Tightening integration with GlusterFS

      Might remove the need for most of the heketi DB

      Needs to be fast on the GlusterFS side (e.g. REST API)

      Likely for glusterd2

   Improve user experiences:

      What happens when a disk or node dies?


         Automatically create new brick(s) to preserve replica, rebalance

         Implement "disk fail" REST command

         Would allow the ability to replace/swap out disks before or when
         they fail

      Volume snapshot management


         Need to do :)

Meeting doc:
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