[Gluster-users] Client disconnections, memory use

Jamie Lawrence jlawrence at squaretrade.com
Tue Nov 19 22:42:40 UTC 2019

> Hi,

> For the memory increase, please capture statedumps of the process at

> intervals of an hour and send it across.

> https://docs.gluster.org/en/latest/Troubleshooting/statedump/
>  describes how

> to generate a statedump for the client process.

First, apologies - I missed this email when you replied somehow, just saw it in the archives.

Thanks for that - now I know how to do that. Memory use did stabilize, just at numbers I wasn't expecting. It is fine, I'll chalk it up to version differences. Random unmounting has continued though, and I still haven't fingured that one out. I sent a followup on that to the list today.

Thanks again,

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