[Gluster-users] [Gluster-devel] CFP for Gluster Developer Summit
Kaushal M
kshlmster at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 01:30:34 UTC 2016
How do we submit proposals now? Do we just reply here?
On 13 Aug 2016 03:49, "Amye Scavarda" <amye at redhat.com> wrote:
GlusterFS for Users
"GlusterFS for users" introduces you with GlusterFS, it's terminologies,
it's features and how to manage y GlusterFS cluster.
GlusterFS is a scalable network filesystem. Using commodity hardware, you
can create large, distributed storage solutions for media streaming, data
analysis, and other data and bandwidth-intensive tasks. GlusterFS is free
and open source software.
This session is more intended for users/admins.
Scope of this session :
* What is Glusterfs
* Glusterfs terminologies
* Easy steps to get started with glusterfs
* Volume topologies
* Access protocols
* Various features from user perspective :
Replication, Data distribution, Geo-replication, Bit rot detection,
data tiering, Snapshot, Encryption, containerized glusterfs
* Various configuration files
* Various logs and it's location
* various custom profile for specific use-cases
* Collecting statedump and it's usage
* Few common problems like :
1) replacing a faulty brick
2) resolving split-brain
3) peer disconnect issue
Bipin Kunal
bkunal at redhat.com
User Perspectives
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Amye Scavarda <amye at redhat.com> wrote:
> Demo : Quickly setup GlusterFS cluster
> This demo will let you understand How to setup GlusterFS cluster and how
> to exploit its features.
> GlusterFS is a scalable network filesystem. Using commodity hardware, you
> can create large, distributed storage solutions for media streaming, data
> analysis, and other data and bandwidth-intensive tasks. GlusterFS is free
> and open source software.
> This demo is intended for new user who is willing to setup glusterFS
> cluster.
> This demo will let you understand How to setup GlusterFS cluster and how
> to exploit its features.
> Scope of this session :
> 1) Install GlusterFS packages
> 2) Create a trusted storage pool
> 3) Create a GlusterFS volume
> 4) Access GlusterFS volume using various protocols
> a) FUSE b) NFS c) CIFS d) NFS-ganesha
> 5) Using Snapshot
> 6) Creating geo-rep session
> 7) Adding/removing/replacing bricks
> 8) Bit-rot detection and correction
> Bipin Kunal
> bkunal at redhat.com
> User Perspectives
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 3:17 PM, Amye Scavarda <amye at redhat.com> wrote:
>> An Update on GlusterD-2.0
>> An update on what's been happening in GlusterD-2.0 since the last summit.
>> Discussion around GlusterD-2.0 was initially started at the last Gluster
>> Development summit. Since then we've had many followup discussions, and
>> officially started working on GD2. In this talk I'll be providing an update
>> on what has been done, what we're doing and what needs to be done.
>> Kaushal
>> kshlmster at gmail.com
>> Future Gluster Features
>> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Amye Scavarda <amye at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Challenges with Gluster and Persistent Memory
>>> A discussion of the difficulties posed by persistent memory with Gluster
>>> and short and long term steps to address them.
>>> Persistent memory will significantly improve storage performance. But
>>> these benefits may be hard to realize in Gluster. Gains are mitigated from
>>> costly network overhead and its deep software layer. It is also likely that
>>> the high costs of persistent memory will limit deployments. This talk shall
>>> discuss short and long term steps to take on those problems. Possible
>>> strategies include better incorporating high speed networks such as
>>> infiniband, client side caching of metadata, and centralizing DHT's
>>> layouts. The talk will include discussion and results from a range of
>>> experiments in software and hardware.
>>> Presenters:
>>> Dan Lambright, Rafi Parambil dlambrig at redhat.com
>>> Future Gluster Features
>>> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 3:15 PM, Amye Scavarda <amye at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Vijay Bellur <vbellur at redhat.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey All,
>>>>> Gluster Developer Summit 2016 is fast approaching [1] on us. We are
>>>>> looking to have talks and discussions related to the following themes in
>>>>> the summit:
>>>>> 1. Gluster.Next - focusing on features shaping the future of Gluster
>>>>> 2. Experience - Description of real world experience and feedback from:
>>>>> a> Devops and Users deploying Gluster in production
>>>>> b> Developers integrating Gluster with other
>>>>> ecosystems
>>>>> 3. Use cases - focusing on key use cases that drive Gluster.today and
>>>>> Gluster.Next
>>>>> 4. Stability & Performance - focusing on current improvements to
>>>>> reduce our technical debt backlog
>>>>> 5. Process & infrastructure - focusing on improving current workflow,
>>>>> infrastructure to make life easier for all of us!
>>>>> If you have a talk/discussion proposal that can be part of these
>>>>> themes, please send out your proposal(s) by replying to this thread. Please
>>>>> clearly mention the theme for which your proposal is relevant when you do
>>>>> so. We will be ending the CFP by 12 midnight PDT on August 31st, 2016.
>>>>> If you have other topics that do not fit in the themes listed, please
>>>>> feel free to propose and we might be able to accommodate some of them as
>>>>> lightening talks or something similar.
>>>>> Please do reach out to me or Amye if you have any questions.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Vijay
>>>>> [1] https://www.gluster.org/events/summit2016/
>>>> Annoyingly enough, the Google Doc form won't let people outside of the
>>>> Google Apps domain view it, which is not going to be super helpful for
>>>> this.
>>>> I'll go ahead and close the Google form, send out the talks that have
>>>> already been added, and have the form link back to this mailing list post.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> - amye
>>>> --
>>>> Amye Scavarda | amye at redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead
>>> --
>>> Amye Scavarda | amye at redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead
>> --
>> Amye Scavarda | amye at redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead
> --
> Amye Scavarda | amye at redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead
Amye Scavarda | amye at redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead
Gluster-devel mailing list
Gluster-devel at gluster.org
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