[Gluster-users] Client vs Server Quorum

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 22:23:27 UTC 2015

I'm unclear as to the distinction between the two, but my guess:

- Quorum is only relevant to replica volumes
- It is p[referable to have a odd number of replicas and a minimum of 3

Client Quorum;
- Client is the fuse client or gfapi driver
- Quorum check is performed by the client
- if the check fails, the client will fail writes
   * is there a timeout involved or does it fail immediately?
- Quorum is determined by how many active bricks the client can see
  * As determined by quorum-type and/or quorum-count
- Bricks remain up
- Datastore remains up

Server Quorum:
- Server is the brick process (glusterd?)
- enabled with server-quorum-type=server
- Quorum check is performed by the server
- Quorum is determined by how many active bricks the server can see
- If quorum fails
  * brick is brought down
  * datastore remains up

In both cases bricks which remain part of a quorum can still be written to,
whereas bricks which are isolated are readonly, or down altogether and will
be healed once quorums returns. In theory this will prevent split brain

- Which is better, server or client quorums?
- Can you safely enable both? recommended?

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