[Gluster-users] pnfs(glusterfs-3.7.1 + ganesha-2.2) problem for clients layout commit

Jiffin Tony Thottan jthottan at redhat.com
Fri Jun 26 06:34:19 UTC 2015

On 26/06/15 08:25, 莊尚豪 wrote:
> Hi Jiffin,
> Thanks your advice, but I still have these errors.
> I suspect the pnfs clients causes errors because client can pass 
> successfully sometimes.
> Can you tell me what the linux or nfs-utils version you test? Or the 
> requirement for client?

As I said before, I ran perf tests (using dd, iozone) for large files 
upto 10G two or three months back. I used fedora 20 clients and done 
basic testing in RHEL6.5 clients
Initially I had some issues with rhel clients, with new updates i don't 
anything. Anyway I will run again same with latest sources and give my 
updates on the same.

Just make sure your all ganesha server is  up and exporting the required 
volume. And more thing  , every servers should be resolvable from m.d.s  
(there is should information about all other server in /etc/host).


> Many thanks,
> Ben

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