[Gluster-users] GlusterFS 3.5.3 - untar: very poor performance

Geoffrey Letessier geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr
Mon Jun 22 08:00:43 UTC 2015

Hi Krutika,

Sorry for the delay but I was overwhelmed since my arrival at my office :/

here are the result of the "bench" with write-behind disabled:
################  UNTAR time consumed  ################

real	31m34.948s
user	0m11.245s
sys	0m21.880s

#################  DU time consumed  ##################

557M	linux-4.1-rc6

real	0m48.851s
user	0m0.117s
sys	0m1.097s

#################  FIND time consumed  ################


real	0m45.922s
user	0m0.278s
sys	0m1.547s

#################  GREP time consumed  ################


real	4m30.424s
user	0m0.933s
sys	0m4.884s

#################  TAR time consumed  #################

real	5m19.299s
user	0m30.281s
sys	0m5.786s

#################  RM time consumed  ##################

real	9m4.438s
user	0m0.451s
sys	0m5.523s

The result is very very bad, worse than previous ones.
Due to this result, i re-set the write-behing parameter to on.

Here is the only one process i found talking about self-heal (here set to off ?????!)
# ps aux|grep heal
root      9437  0.0  0.0 296132 45620 ?        Ssl  May12   6:29 /usr/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/quotad -p /var/lib/glusterd/quotad/run/quotad.pid -l /var/log/glusterfs/quotad.log -S /var/run/71b4e5df9ffee9a41bcf0d94b98dc558.socket --xlator-option *replicate*.data-self-heal=off --xlator-option *replicate*.metadata-self-heal=off --xlator-option *replicate*.entry-self-heal=off
root     42532  0.0  0.0 105324   940 pts/7    S+   09:51   0:00 grep heal

Thanks by advance for your help and fix.
Geoffrey Letessier
Responsable informatique & ingénieur système
UPR 9080 - CNRS - Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique
13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris
Tel: 01 58 41 50 93 - eMail: geoffrey.letessier at ibpc.fr

> Le 22 juin 2015 à 04:35, Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj at redhat.com> a écrit :
> Hi Geoffrey,
> 1. Was self-heal also in progress while I/O was happening on the volume?
> 2. Also, there seem to be quite a few fsyncs which could possibly have slowed things down a bit. Could you disable write-behind and try
>     getting the time stats one more time to eliminate the possibility of write-behind's presence causing out-of-order writes to increase the number of fsyncs
>     by the replication module.
> -Krutika
> From: "Geoffrey Letessier" <geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr>
> To: gluster-users at gluster.org
> Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 6:04:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] GlusterFS 3.5.3 - untar: very poor performance
> Re,
> For comparison, here is the output of the same script run on a distributed only volume (2 servers of the 4 previously described, 2 bricks each):
> #######################################################
> ################  UNTAR time consumed  ################
> #######################################################
> real	1m44.698s
> user	0m8.891s
> sys	0m8.353s
> #######################################################
> #################  DU time consumed  ##################
> #######################################################
> 554M	linux-4.1-rc6
> real	0m21.062s
> user	0m0.100s
> sys	0m1.040s
> #######################################################
> #################  FIND time consumed  ################
> #######################################################
> 52663
> real	0m21.325s
> user	0m0.104s
> sys	0m1.054s
> #######################################################
> #################  GREP time consumed  ################
> #######################################################
> 7952
> real	0m43.618s
> user	0m0.922s
> sys	0m3.626s
> #######################################################
> #################  TAR time consumed  #################
> #######################################################
> real	0m50.577s
> user	0m29.745s
> sys	0m4.086s
> #######################################################
> #################  RM time consumed  ##################
> #######################################################
> real	0m41.133s
> user	0m0.171s
> sys	0m2.522s
> The performances are amazing different!
> Geoffrey
> -----------------------------------------------
> Geoffrey Letessier
> Responsable informatique & ingénieur système
> CNRS - UPR 9080 - Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
> Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique
> 13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris
> Tel: 01 58 41 50 93 - eMail: geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr <mailto:geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr>
> Le 20 juin 2015 à 02:12, Geoffrey Letessier <geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr <mailto:geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr>> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I just noticed on my main volume of my HPC cluster my IO operations become impressively poor.. 
> Doing some file operations above a linux kernel sources compressed file, the untar operation can take more than 1/2 hours for this file (roughly 80MB and 52 000 files inside) as you read below:
> #######################################################
> ################  UNTAR time consumed  ################
> #######################################################
> real	32m42.967s
> user	0m11.783s
> sys	0m15.050s
> #######################################################
> #################  DU time consumed  ##################
> #######################################################
> 557M	linux-4.1-rc6
> real	0m25.060s
> user	0m0.068s
> sys	0m0.344s
> #######################################################
> #################  FIND time consumed  ################
> #######################################################
> 52663
> real	0m25.687s
> user	0m0.084s
> sys	0m0.387s
> #######################################################
> #################  GREP time consumed  ################
> #######################################################
> 7952
> real	2m15.890s
> user	0m0.887s
> sys	0m2.777s
> #######################################################
> #################  TAR time consumed  #################
> #######################################################
> real	1m5.551s
> user	0m26.536s
> sys	0m2.609s
> #######################################################
> #################  RM time consumed  ##################
> #######################################################
> real	2m51.485s
> user	0m0.167s
> sys	0m1.663s
> For information, this volume is a distributed replicated one and is composed by 4 servers with 2 bricks each. Each bricks is a 12-drives RAID6 vdisk with nice native performances (around 1.2GBs).
> In comparison, when I use DD to generate a 100GB file on the same volume, my write throughput is around 1GB (client side) and 500MBs (server side) because of replication:
> Client side:
> [root at node056 ~]# ifstat -i ib0
>        ib0        
>  KB/s in  KB/s out
>  3251.45  1.09e+06
>  3139.80  1.05e+06
>  3185.29  1.06e+06
>  3293.84  1.09e+06
> ...
> Server side:
> [root at lucifer ~]# ifstat -i ib0
>        ib0        
>  KB/s in  KB/s out
> 561818.1   1746.42
> 560020.3   1737.92
> 526337.1   1648.20
> 513972.7   1613.69
> ...
> DD command:
> [root at node056 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/root/test.dd bs=1M count=100000
> 100000+0 enregistrements lus
> 100000+0 enregistrements écrits
> 104857600000 octets (105 GB) copiés, 202,99 s, 517 MB/s
> So this issue doesn’t seem coming from the network (which is Infiniband technology in this case)
> You can find in attachments a set of files:
> 	- mybench.sh: the bench script
> 	- benches.txt: output of my "bench"
> 	- profile.txt: gluster volume profile during the "bench"
> 	- vol_status.txt: gluster volume status
> 	- vol_info.txt: gluster volume info
> Can someone help me to fix it (it’s very critical because this volume is on a HPC cluster in production).
> Thanks by advance,
> Geoffrey
> -----------------------------------------------
> Geoffrey Letessier
> Responsable informatique & ingénieur système
> CNRS - UPR 9080 - Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
> Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique
> 13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris
> Tel: 01 58 41 50 93 - eMail: geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr <mailto:geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr>
> <benches.txt>
> <mybench.sh>
> <profile.txt>
> <vol_info.txt>
> <vol_status.txt>
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