[Gluster-users] mount with one alive node in replica set

Ravishankar N ravishankar at redhat.com
Wed Jun 17 15:46:00 UTC 2015

On 06/17/2015 07:04 PM, Игорь Бирюлин wrote:
> If we turn off one server, another will be work and mounted volume 
> will be use without problem.
> But if we rebooted our another server, when first was turned off (or 
> gluster was stopped on this server), our volume cann't mount (glusterd 
> started).
If both nodes are down and you bring up only one node, glusterd will not 
start the volume (i.e. the brick, nfs and glustershd processes) 
automatically. It waits for the other node's glusterd also to be up so 
that they are in sync. You can override this behavior by doing a 
`gluster volume start <volname> force` to bring up the gluster process 
only on this node and then mount the volume.


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