[Gluster-users] Expand Replicated Storage Capacity?

Joe Julian joe at julianfamily.org
Wed Jul 22 19:15:08 UTC 2015

Assuming you're saying you have a 2 brick replica 2 volume, adding two 
more bricks will add distribution to your volume - making your volume a 
distribute-replica volume, increasing your storage capacity.

On 07/22/2015 12:09 PM, Kevin Bridges wrote:
> Apologies in advance if this question is as basic as it feels.  I'm 
> trying to understand options for expanding capacity on a volume of 
> type "Replicate".  I've been reading 
> http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Gluster_3.1:_Expanding_Volumes 
> and 
> https://joejulian.name/blog/how-to-expand-glusterfs-replicated-clusters-by-one-server/
> Am I correct in thinking that the volume basically needs to be 
> replaced to increase it's storage because it is not a distributed 
> replica set?  What other options do I have for expanding the storage 
> of the volume?
> Thanks,
> Kevin Bridges
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