[Gluster-users] file changed as we read it
Pierre Léonard
pleonard at jouy.inra.fr
Tue Feb 24 12:06:44 UTC 2015
hi all,
I work with a 14 node glusterfs replica 2. and when I made a tar of a
directory I get that message for a lot of files :
tar: xxxxxxxxx/xsq_data/wildfire4_2014_12_09_2/L02/intermediate: file
changed as we read it
I have check a small file and find nothing abnormal. So i hope that the
same for all files.
but imagine that one of my users see that messages, what would it think ?
So my question is : What is the reason of that message on a file, and is
there a configuration of glusterfs or the underlying file system, to
avoid it ?
Many thanks in advance.
Signature electronique
INRA <http://www.inra.fr>
*Pierre Léonard*
*Senior IT Manager*
Pierre.Leonard at jouy.inra.fr <mailto:Pierre.Leonard at jouy.inra.fr>
Tél. : +33 (0)1 34 65 29 78
Centre de recherche INRA
Domaine de Vilvert – Bât. 325 R+1
78 352 Jouy-en-Josas CEDEX
www.mgps.eu <http://www.mgps.eu>
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