[Gluster-users] Cascading errors and very bad write performance

Geoffrey Letessier geoffrey.letessier at cnrs.fr
Tue Aug 4 23:12:42 UTC 2015


Since the problem motioned previously (all errors noticed in brick log files), i notice a very very bad performance: i can note my write performance divided by 4 than previously -knowing it was not so good before.
Now, a write of a 33GB file, my write throughput is around 150MBs (with Infiniband), before it was around 550-600MBs; and this, both with RDMA and TCP protocol.

During this test, more than 40 000 error lines (as the following) were added to the brick log files.
[2015-08-04 22:34:27.337622] E [dict.c:1418:dict_copy_with_ref] (-->/usr/lib64/glusterfs/3.7.3/xlator/protocol/server.so(server_resolve_inode+0x60) [0x7f021c6f7410] -->/usr/lib64/glusterfs/3.7.3/xlator/protocol/server.so(resolve_gfid+0x88) [0x7f021c6f7188] -->/usr/lib64/libglusterfs.so.0(dict_copy_with_ref+0xa4) [0x7f0229cba674] ) 0-dict: invalid argument: dict [Argument invalide]

All brick log files are in attachments.

Thanks in advance for all your help and fix,

PS: question: is it possible to easily downgrade GlusterFS to a previous version from 3.7 (for example: v3.5)?

Geoffrey Letessier
Responsable informatique & ingénieur système
UPR 9080 - CNRS - Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique
13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris
Tel: 01 58 41 50 93 - eMail: geoffrey.letessier at ibpc.fr
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