[Gluster-users] EHA and stripe mode

Varun Shastry vshastry at redhat.com
Thu Jul 3 10:12:59 UTC 2014

On Wednesday 02 July 2014 05:48 PM, Séguin Cyril wrote:
> Hello,
> I have one question about EHA.
> If I well understand, when a client wants to read or write a file, he 
> first computes a hash of pathname/file and then knows where read or 
> write this file.
> What happens if the volume is configured with stripe?
> Does the client compute a hash of pathname/file_block?

If the files are striped across n bricks and you totally have m bricks 
(m should be a multiple of n), for every n bricks a stripe module is the 
owner say stripe1, stripe2... stripek (k=m/n). EHA algo treats 
strip1..stripek as bricks. And computes the owner of the bricks which is 
a set of n bricks. The stripe module is responsible for contacting the 
actual physical brick.

- Varun Shastry

> Thanks,
> Cyril.
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