[Gluster-users] Gluster Volume Properties

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 02:50:34 UTC 2014

Hi there,

I've been taking another look at some of gluster volume properties. If
you know of some that are missing from my list or have incorrect
entries, please let me know! My list is here:


This curated list makes it easy to manage properties with
Puppet-Gluster. The list isn't complete though. This is where I need
your help!

Semiosis: The latest git master adds support for the options you
requested in gluster volume properties. It also contains this patch:

which adds support for adding the rpc-auth-allow-insecure option to the
glusterd.vol file. You can use these two together like:

class { '::gluster::simple':
	volume => 'yourvolumename',
	rpcauthallowinsecure => true,

gluster::volume::property{ 'yourvolumename#server.allow-insecure':
	value => on,	# you can use true/false, on/off

which should hopefully make testing your libgfapi-jni easy!

If anyone has any other questions, please let me know.

@purpleidea (twitter / irc)

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