[Gluster-users] 4. Re: Structure needs cleaning on some files Message

Mon Jan 20 20:21:30 UTC 2014

Gluster community,

Does anyone have any traction on this "patch" for FUSE ?  It appears that 
the problem is resolved from the kernel provided from the page: 

Section 2 says:

2) Installing the FUSE Kernel Patch
There is presently a bug in FUSE which causes namespace consistency issues 
in GlusterFS. We have submitted an upstream patch and are working to 
ensure that future versions of the Linux Kernel will include it 
In the interim, we have provided a workaround for RHEL 6.2

I am currently on RHEL 6.4 and am always able to reproduce the problem 
addressed in this bugzilla 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1041109 .   I was able to test 
their "work around" kernel of 6.2 and the problem does not exisit.

Khoi Mai


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