[Gluster-users] service glusterd start : failed

Kaushal M kshlmster at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 04:09:00 UTC 2014

Hi Pierre,
Can you provide start glusterd in debug mode and provide the logs?
Please use a paste site like http://fpaste.org to share the logs.

You can start glusterd in debug mode by using the '-LDEBUG' flag,
# glusterd -LDEBUG

The logs you've provided say that glusterd failed to initialize but
don't provide any further information as to why. Debug logs will help
in this case.


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Pierre Leonard
<pierre.leonard at jouy.inra.fr> wrote:
> Hi everibody,
> I have done a mistake by stopping the gluster daemon and reboot the node,
> nad now the start of the gluster daemon failed with these erreur in
> /var/log/glusterfs/etc-glusterfs-glusterd.vol.log :
> [2014-12-01 16:13:33.259287] I [MSGID: 100030] [glusterfsd.c:2018:main]
> 0-/usr/sbin/glusterd: Started running /usr/sbin/glusterd version 3.6.1
> (args: /usr/sbin/glusterd --pid-file=/var/run/glusterd.pid)[2014-12-01
> 16:13:33.264828] I [glusterd.c:1214:init] 0-management: Maximum allowed open
> file descriptors set to 65536[2014-12-01 16:13:33.264883] I
> [glusterd.c:1259:init] 0-management: Using /var/lib/glusterd as working
> directory[2014-12-01 16:13:33.269766] W [rdma.c:4195:__gf_rdma_ctx_create]
> 0-rpc-transport/rdma: rdma_cm event channel creation failed (No such
> device)[2014-12-01 16:13:33.269800] E [rdma.c:4483:init] 0-rdma.management:
> Failed to initialize IB Device[2014-12-01 16:13:33.269817] E
> [rpc-transport.c:333:rpc_transport_load] 0-rpc-transport: 'rdma'
> initialization failed[2014-12-01 16:13:33.269890] W
> [rpcsvc.c:1524:rpcsvc_transport_create] 0-rpc-service: cannot create
> listener, initing the transport failed[2014-12-01 16:13:40.087857] I
> [glusterd-store.c:2063:glusterd_restore_op_version] 0-management: Detected
> new install. Setting op-version to maximum : 30600[2014-12-01
> 16:13:40.783402] I
> [glusterd-handler.c:3146:glusterd_friend_add_from_peerinfo] 0-management:
> connect returned 0[2014-12-01 16:13:40.794873] E [xlator.c:425:xlator_init]
> 0-management: Initialization of volume 'management' failed, review your
> volfile again[2014-12-01 16:13:40.794916] E
> [graph.c:322:glusterfs_graph_init] 0-management: initializing translator
> failed[2014-12-01 16:13:40.794933] E [graph.c:525:glusterfs_graph_activate]
> 0-graph: init failed[2014-12-01 16:13:40.795536] W
> [glusterfsd.c:1194:cleanup_and_exit] (--> 0-: received signum (0), shutting
> down
> Can you help me, the entire volumes are break.
> Many thank's
> PS:
> I use the 6.0.1 release
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