[Gluster-users] Fw: Re: Replacing a node

cdliuhong cdliuhong at 360buy.com
Tue Feb 21 02:01:28 UTC 2012



发件人: cdliuhong
发送时间: 2012-02-21 09:59:47
收件人: Marcus Bointon
主题: Re: [Gluster-users] Replacing a node

In this case,when your glusterfs is not busy,you can use command "gluster volume replace-brick <VOLNAME> <BRICK> <NEW-BRICK> {start|pause|abort|status|commit} - replace-brick operations",this operation can replace the old server (brick) automatically. hope this can help !!



发件人: Marcus Bointon 
发送时间: 2012-02-21  01:55:35 
收件人: gluster-users Discussion List 
主题: [Gluster-users] Replacing a node 
I have two servers running gluster 3.1.2 hosting a single replica-2 volume (web images) on Ubuntu Lucid 64. I need to replace one of the nodes with a new server. What's the best approach to this? There's not much data, but I'd like to do it with no downtime if possible.
Marcus Bointon
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