[Gluster-users] can't delete files and directories from windows NFS client

Saurabh Jain saurabh at gluster.com
Thu Feb 16 07:05:26 UTC 2012

yeah sure, give me some time  to look into this issue and I will get back to you.

From: Kazuyuki Morita [k.morita at ntt.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 12:22 PM
To: Saurabh Jain
Cc: gluster-users at gluster.org
Subject: RE: [Gluster-users] can't delete files and directories from windows NFS client

Hello Saurabh,

  Thank you for your response. We will check Bugzilla periodically.

We would like to ask you a favor.
  We are also troubled by glusterfs's another bug.
  Can you make a case in Bugzilla about the bug if you can reproduce?
  See below for the bug.

---e-mail: possible memory leak when 'kill -HUP glusterfs'---

Subject: possible memory leak when 'kill -HUP glusterfs'
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 18:31:36 +0900
From: Kenta Takahashi <knt.takahashi at ntt.com>
To: gluster-devel at nongnu.org


We've found possible memory leak when kill -HUP the glusterfs process.

OS: RHEL6 x86_64
GlusterFS: 3.2.5

1. install glusterfs
2. start glusterd
3. create and start a volume
4. repeat 'killall -HUP glusterfs'

Then you can see the glusterfs process keeps increasing its memory space until entire RAM/Swap space exhausted, and die (killed?) silently (no logs generated).

We are using 'kill -HUP glusterfs' processes when logrotate done like below:

Any ideas to workaround/fix this ?

Kenta Takahashi
knt.takahashi at ntt.com


Thanks & Regards,

Kazuyuki Morita
k.morita at ntt.com

From: gluster-users-bounces at gluster.org [mailto:gluster-users-bounces at gluster.org] On Behalf Of Saurabh Jain
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 8:41 PM
To: gluster-users at gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] can't delete files and directories from windows NFS client

Hello Kazuyuki,

   We have reproduced this issue with windows 7 and I have filed a bug to further triage the problem,

Thanks & Regards,
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