[Gluster-users] Reducing a volume

Harry Mangalam harry.mangalam at uci.edu
Mon Feb 13 16:48:52 UTC 2012

Is this documented anywhere?  I'm in a position where this would be 
very useful.  I've posted a few queries about this as well and if the 
function exists, it's an anonymous one.

Last year, Amar responded that:
"If you are in testing/validating phase, 3.3.0qa15 should have this 
feature for you."

But there's no docs to point to how to do it. If the development docs 
could be made available as a wiki or something similar, we stunt-
testers could provide feedback, examples of gotchas and edge cases, 
and what works as expected that might have value.

Best wishes,

On Monday 13 February 2012 00:42:10 Brian Candler wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:37:20AM +0100, Arnold Krille wrote:
> > the third issue I encountered today: How do I tell gluster to
> > remove two bricks of my six-brick-two-replica volume without
> > loosing data?
> From what I've read (but I've not tried it yet), this will be a
> feature in 3.3
> http://community.gluster.org/q/what-s-new-in-glusterfs-3-3/
> "Remove-brick can migrate data to remaining bricks"
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Harry Mangalam - Research Computing, OIT, Rm 225 MSTB, UC Irvine
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