[Gluster-users] CIFS options - anyone done A-B comparisons on various setups?

Gunnar gluster at akitogo.com
Tue Dec 11 12:48:56 UTC 2012

Thanks for the response, I will check it but I'm pretty sure that it is 
not disk related, at least not hardware.

sdb, this is where the volume is located is currently between 0.8 and 
3.2 (under load with the same test)

Am 11.12.2012 13:41, schrieb Marcelo Roccasalva:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 6:21 AM, Gunnar <gluster at akitogo.com> wrote:
>> Small correction, just recovered the machine which stopped accepting files yesterday night, the average load was 90!!!
>> Am 11.12.2012 10:10, schrieb Gunnar:
>>> Whit,
>>> after testing for a while (after copying several 100000 files) it seems that either glusterfs or glusternfs is crashing under load.
>>> The the average load on the machine goes up to 8 or 9, before it was max around 1, but there is no according process
> Are you sure it's not a disk hog problem? when the load goes up, look
> at the last column of "iostat -xk 2"; if it's close to 100% most of
> the time, this is your bottleneck.
> Marcelo
> --
> "¿No será acaso que esta vida moderna está teniendo más de moderna que
> de vida?" (Mafalda)

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