[Gluster-users] Is this a viable data migration path into Gluster?

Whit Blauvelt whit.gluster at transpect.com
Sat Jun 4 02:42:40 UTC 2011


Say there are two systems with local disk storage to be converted to
Gluster, currently both with the same data, mirrored through rsync. Would it
work to:

1. Reformat a partition on one disk, and then create a Gluster volume of it
   that's neither distributed nor replicated.

2. Mount that partition through Gluster/fuse.

3. Rsync the data from remaining disk back through the new Gluster mount.

4. Reformat the partion on the second disk, add it to the Gluster volume as
   as a replication mirror.

5. Trigger "healing" of the replication, or ?

Obviously this whole thing could be done if by copying all data across to
another system, wiping the original data on both systems, and setting up a
replicated Gluster volume from the beginning. But the method here, if it
could work, wouldn't require a third system (or spare partition large enough
on one of the two systems), and would also have a shorter period where the
data just wasn't available - you'd have to freeze the data for the first
copy into Gluster, but after that you might be able to have it be live
again, even while the system being mirrored to is catching up.

So would something like this method work? 


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