[Gluster-users] Adding/Removing bricks/changing replica value of a replicated volume (Gluster 3.2.1, OpenSuse 11.3/11.4)

Amar Tumballi amar at gluster.com
Wed Aug 24 10:41:28 UTC 2011

As of now, there is no option to increase the replica count of a given
volume. We are working on this (bug 3305), and this feature will come only
in release-3.3.0


On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 4:04 PM, <gluster1206 at akxnet.de> wrote:

> Hi!
> Until now, I use Gluster in a 2-server setup (volumes created with
> replica 2).
> Upgrading the hardware, it would be helpful to extend to volume to
> replica 3 to integrate the new machine and adding the respective brick
> and to reduce it later back to 2 and removing the respective brick when
> the old machine is cancelled and not used anymore.
> But it seems that this requires to delete and recreate the volumes, as I
> did not find a way to increase/decrease the replica value.
> Any hints?
> Regards,
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