[Gluster-users] Maintainance mode for bricks

Tejas N. Bhise tejas at gluster.com
Wed Apr 14 11:42:02 UTC 2010


Would you like to tell us more about the use case ? Like why would you want to do this ? If we take a brick out, it would not be possible to get it back in ( with the existing data ). 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Stober" <fred.stober at kit.edu>
To: gluster-users at gluster.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:57:24 PM
Subject: [Gluster-users] Maintainance mode for bricks

Dear all,

Is there an easy way to put a storage brick, which is part of a dht volume, 
into some kind of read-only maintainance mode, while keeping the whole dht 
volume in read/write state?
Currently it almost works, but files are still scheduled to go to the server 
in maintainance mode and in this case you get an error. It should be possible 
to write to another brick instead.


Fred-Markus Stober
fred.stober at kit.edu
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
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