[Gluster-users] Deployment (round 2)

Krishna Srinivas krishna at zresearch.com
Sat Sep 20 19:41:20 UTC 2008


You could mount toaster's partition on head node using iscsi.
Run glusterfs server on head node exporting the two partitions.
Run glusterfs client on the researcher's nodes.


2008/9/18 Paolo Supino <paolo.supino at gmail.com>:
> Hi
>   now that I have a new shiney parallel filesystem :-) I want to take
> it a step forward (the fun never ends ;-) ) ...
>   A few words on my HPC cluster:
> 1. The private network between the compute nodes, head and toaster
> (Netapp FAS 2020) is Gigabit Ethernet.
> 2. The toaster exports 2.1 and 5.1 TB volumes served over NFSv3 (ouch..)
> 3. Only the head node is multi homed and connected to the faculty
> network, where the researchers are ...
>   What I thought of doing:
> 1. Re export the toaster using iSCSI.
> 2. Mount the iSCSI exports on the head and add them to the gluster
> volume. This is pretty straight forward :-) and voilà I have a uniform
> 9.3TB volume ...
> 3. The last part is the tricky part that I still have to figure out:
> have the researchers be able to be gluster clients of this volume
> without exposing the private network to the faculty network (I don't
> want to NFS export it)
> --
> Paolo
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