[Gluster-devel] REMINDER: Gluster Community Bug Triage meeting today at 12:00 UTC ~(in 2.0 hours)

Saravanakumar Arumugam sarumuga at redhat.com
Tue May 24 10:08:12 UTC 2016

Hi, This meeting is scheduled for anyone interested in learning more 
about, or assisting with the Bug Triage. Meeting details: - location: 
#gluster-meeting on Freenode IRC ( 
https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=gluster-meeting ) - date: every 
Tuesday - time: 12:00 UTC (in your terminal, run: date -d "12:00 UTC") - 
agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage Currently the 
following items are listed: * Roll Call * Status of last weeks action 
items * Group Triage * Open Floor Highly appreciate your participation. 
Thanks, Saravana

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