[Gluster-devel] conflicting keys for option eager-lock

Vijay Bellur vbellur at redhat.com
Sat Apr 9 04:22:38 UTC 2016

On 04/09/2016 12:15 AM, Ravishankar N wrote:
> Just nit-picking, eager-lock is ON by default for replicate volumes, so
> it is not a deal breaker unless some one explicitly disables the option
> before enabling the virt-profile  settings.

I am aware of this. The problem however is in applying profile virt. As 
you try to apply the group of settings in virt profile, eager-lock also 
is attempted to be applied and causes a failure. Users trigger this 
action from oVirt management interface resulting in partial application 
of tunables in the profile or based on workflow decisions in oVirt, we 
might even have the volume being marked as unavailable for virtual 
machine image storage.


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