[Gluster-devel] glusterfs 3.6.0beta3 fills up inodes

me@andreatartaglia.com me at andreatartaglia.com
Thu Nov 13 09:12:46 UTC 2014

Hi Venky,
Thanks a lot for the info.


----- Reply message -----
From: "Venky Shankar" <yknev.shankar at gmail.com>
To: "Andrea Tartaglia" <me at andreatartaglia.com>
Cc: "Gluster Devel" <gluster-devel at gluster.org>
Subject: [Gluster-devel] glusterfs 3.6.0beta3 fills up inodes
Date: Thu, Nov 13, 2014 2:28 AM

It's safe to purge everything under .processed. That what geo-rep had already replicated, so it's OK to delete it.

Also, consider purging these entries periodically as geo-rep doesn't purge them on it's own (at least for now).


On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 3:27 AM, Andrea Tartaglia <me at andreatartaglia.com> wrote:

Hi guys,

got a geo-rep setup which copies data across 3 DCs, 
it works fine, but I've just spotted that the both the master and slave 
server ( the main ones ) ran out of inodes.

through the directories which have lots of files,
the "/var/lib/misc/glusterfsd/[volname]/[connection]/.processed has got
thousands of xsync changelog files

using glusterfs 3.6.0beta3, as incurred in a bug 
while using 3.5.2 which was preventing geo-rep to work properly

idea if it's ok to delete what's in the processed 
directory at least as a temporary fix or if there's anything else I can 
do to prevent that happening other than increasing disk size?




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