[Gluster-devel] Data classification proposal

Xavier Hernandez xhernandez at datalab.es
Fri Jun 27 07:39:21 UTC 2014

On Thursday 26 June 2014 12:52:13 Dan Lambright wrote:
> I don't think brick splitting implemented by LVM would affect directory
> browsing any more than adding an additional brick would,

Yes, splitting a brick in LVM should be the same than adding a normal brick. 
The main problem I see is that adding normal bricks decrease the browsing 
speed, so splitting bricks will also degrade it.

I've seen a configuration with only 14 bricks (7 replica-2 sets) where 
browsing was not possible: directory listings with no more than a few hundreds 
of files took up to a minute or even more if the directory wasn't accessed for 
a long time. This is not usable.

This wasn't a hardware problem: servers had 2 CPU's with 6 cores each and 
hyperthreading (total 24 cores), 64 GB of RAM and Infiniband network. File 
system was formated using XFS.

I fear what can happen if the number of bricks grow considerably by splitting 
without solving this problem before...


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