[Gluster-devel] Developer Leaderboard stats

Justin Clift justin at gluster.org
Tue Jun 10 18:56:30 UTC 2014

On 10/06/2014, at 6:30 PM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
> Is this a new feature in gerrit 2.9? We are currently running 2.6 and this might be a good candidate to upgrade to.

It definitely works with the version of Gerrit we're
running.  eg result just now:

  $ curl http://review.gluster.org/changes/?q=owner:Harshavardhana+project:glusterfs+branch:release-3.5+status:merged
      "kind": "gerritcodereview#change",
      "id": "glusterfs~release-3.5~If0020f6b8775bdbe987563247c83d59a2d3744ad",
      "project": "glusterfs",
      "branch": "release-3.5",
      "topic": "bug-986429",
      "change_id": "If0020f6b8775bdbe987563247c83d59a2d3744ad",
      "subject": "gfapi: glfs_set_volfile_server() now entertains multiple calls",
      "status": "MERGED",
      "created": "2014-04-02 20:45:32.004000000",
      "updated": "2014-05-10 02:06:37.939000000",
      "_sortkey": "002cfade00001cd8",
      "_number": 7384,
      "owner": {
        "name": "Harshavardhana"

Though if we can upgrade to a newer Gerrit that's probably
a decent idea for general supportability's sake.

+ Justin

GlusterFS - http://www.gluster.org

An open source, distributed file system scaling to several
petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.

My personal twitter: twitter.com/realjustinclift

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