[Gluster-devel] gerrit accepts patches that are not signed off

Anders Blomdell anders.blomdell at control.lth.se
Fri Jul 11 10:55:58 UTC 2014

http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Simplified_dev_workflow says:

  It is essential that you commit with the '-s' option, which will sign-off the commit 
  with your configured email, as gerrit is configured to reject patches which are not signed-off. 

this does not seem to be true (and, yes, I should learn to read instructions).

Anders Blomdell                  Email: anders.blomdell at control.lth.se
Department of Automatic Control
Lund University                  Phone:    +46 46 222 4625
P.O. Box 118                     Fax:      +46 46 138118
SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden

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