[Gluster-devel] [Gluster-users] Our plan to get bugs fixed quicker, and features implemented sooner

Joe Julian me at joejulian.name
Fri Aug 22 06:16:03 UTC 2014

adding the "correct" gluster-devel to this.

On 8/21/2014 10:55 PM, Joe Julian wrote:
> There have been times that I, as a user and a front-line supporter, 
> have marked a bug with the urgency that I think it deserves - based on 
> my own knowledge as well as feedback from other users - only to have 
> that urgency lowered to normal because a developer who doesn't 
> experience the urgency we do as users, deemed it so.
> Granted, there have also been many occasions where I didn't set the 
> urgency and my bug has been treated as if it was a message from beyond 
> the natural realm, for which I am truly grateful.
> When I set the urgency, I try to consider more than just my own 
> current needs (though often they're truly quite urgent) and look at 
> potential for data loss, likelihood to encounter the bug during normal 
> operations, and feedback from other users who have (usually) 
> encountered the same bug. To have all that forethought discarded is 
> disheartening. For that reason, I never set the urgency of any of my 
> bugs any more.
> I would be willing to participate in triage, but I would expect the 
> same rigidness in changing an urgency as there is in getting a change 
> accepted. The developer who wants to change the urgency should be 
> expected to argue his case, not simply change it.
> On 8/21/2014 12:12 AM, Lalatendu Mohanty wrote:
>> I hope the subject line have increased your curiosity to go through 
>> the email :).
>> As a community, we are looking for contributors for GlusterFS bug 
>> triage and hopefully this mail will give you enough motivation for it.
>> As mentioned in the subject , bug triage will help to get bugs fixed 
>> quicker, and features implemented sooner. If you are not sure what 
>> bug triage means, please refer the gluster wiki page [1] for bug triage.
>> Here are few questions and answers to help you if this is something 
>> you should do.
>>   * Q: Why we need to do bug triage?
>>   * A: It reduces the time between reporting a bug and the
>>     availability of a fix enormously.
>>       o Because many developers have bad response times for new bugs
>>         that are not pointed out to them. When well triaged bugs get
>>         assigned to right developers, the response time improves.
>>       o Also developers work mainly on writing bug fixes and
>>         implementing new features. Which in turn results in to
>>         spending (too little) time on bug triaging.
>>   * Q: I am just a GlusterFS user. Why bug triage will help me?
>>   * A: It will increase your understanding of GlusterFS, current
>>     issues in GlusterFS, increase the interaction between developers,
>>     community and triager. It will also help filing better bugs too.
>>     The better the bug report, the easier it is for a developer to
>>     write a fix.
>>   * Q: Do you run GlusterFS in production?
>>   * A: If your answer is yes, then bug triage is the right platform
>>     for you to raise the importance of bugs. Bug triage will also
>>     help you know existing issues in the version of GlusterFS you are
>>     using, help you to know existing issues in a new feature. So you
>>     will be in a better position to decide if a feature is production
>>     ready or not.
>>   * Q: I want to contribute to GlusterFS. Will bug triage help?
>>   * A: Yes, it is an awesome place to start. You will get to know
>>     about all the components in GlusterFS along with issues in each
>>     of them. This knowledge will help you to do better testing,
>>     development (bug fixing) etc. Also you will interact with
>>     developers while triaging bugs. You can use these interactions to
>>     ask more detailed questions.
>>   * Q: How can I triage bugs of GlusterFS?
>>   * A: The wiki page [1] is the right place start. We are starting up
>>     a bi-weekly/weekly triage meeting in #gluster-meeting on
>>     Freenode. There would be another mail with details about the
>>     meeting. You can join the meeting and interact with other triagers.
>> Please don't hesitate to hit the reply button if you have any 
>> question on this. We would love to hear your suggestions/feed back :).
>> [1] http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_triage
>> Thanks,
>> On behalf of the bug triage team
>> #gluster-dev, #gluster on Freenode
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