[Gluster-devel] 1st results: gcov/lcov code coverage of glusterfs

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Fri May 10 22:42:52 UTC 2013

On 10/05/2013, at 11:24 PM, John Smith wrote:
> Oh, and if anyone knows of a commandline recursive upload ftp tool for
> linux, so i can do something like   ftp source/dirs*/subdirs*
> destination/dir from the cmdline, id love to hear about it. ;)

Pity it needs to be ftp.  Otherwise rsync would be the go. :)

Anyway, the easiest one is probably ncftp, which is fairly powerful.  It's
packaged in at least Fedora/EPEL, and very likely available for other
distro's too. :)

With ncftp installed (it comes with a bunch of utils), you'll probably
want to use ncftpput with the -R option for recursive.  Look at the
options with it's inbuilt help:

  $ ncftpput --help

If ncftp doesn't quite do what you want, then lftp definitely can.  It's
super powerful, but a bit weird to use because it has its own scripting
language.  Recommendation -> Google for other people's lftp scripts, don't
try reading the manual first and figuring it out yourself. ;)

Hope that helps. :)

+ Justin

Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat


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