[Gluster-devel] 1st results: gcov/lcov code coverage of glusterfs

John Smith lbalbalba at gmail.com
Fri May 10 22:24:22 UTC 2013


I finally managed to get *some* gcov/lcov test suite code coverage
results for glusterfs. Please remember that I still got a whole lot of
test failures (see previous posts), so the code that gets
covered/executed by those tests wont be included in this 1st report.

Anyway, here goes, the code that got covered by the test suite so far
: http://lbalbalba.x90x.net/lcov/glusterfs/


John Smith

Oh, and if anyone knows of a commandline recursive upload ftp tool for
linux, so i can do something like   ftp source/dirs*/subdirs*
destination/dir from the cmdline, id love to hear about it. ;)

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