[Gluster-devel] Disperse xlator

Jeff Darcy jdarcy at redhat.com
Tue Feb 19 20:20:35 UTC 2013

On 02/19/2013 11:47 AM, Xavier Hernandez wrote:
> We have published an initial version (proof of concept) of the
> disperse translator on github (https://github.com/datalab-bcn). It is a
> new GlusterFS translator with a level of fault tolerance configurable at
> creation time, but with a minimal waste of physical disk space (it's
> conceptually similar to RAID5 or RAID6). It mostly works but it's still
> in a development phase and many things will be fixed and improved,
> especially the read/write performance. There is a README where you can
> find how to compile and install it.
> If you want to try it, we will ve very happy to have some feedback.

That's awesome, Xavier.  Congratulations to you and the team.  I look
forward to giving this a try.  :)

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