[Gluster-devel] Need Mentors for GSOC under FedoraProject

Vipul Nayyar nayyar_vipul at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 18 16:01:22 UTC 2013

 Hello John & Krishnan,

Really glad to hear from the GlusterFS community, after I sent the initial emails to a few people about this project. Frankly, I had lost a bit of hope along the way after not hearing from someone. 

Thanks Krishnan, for sharing the links with me, although I have already gone through that material quite a few days back, when I was researching about GlusterFS. 
The binding translator for GlusterFS is a really good project to work on, and learn along the way. But being still a newbie to GlusterFS, I believe that you have much more experience to guide me as to what can be done more to contribute to the bindings project. I have some experience in working with c and python and can assure you that given proper guidance, I'll certainly excel and be successful at any task given to me. :-)

Vipul Nayyar 
Computer Engineering
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi
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