[Gluster-devel] Memory deallocation question about iov_dup

Gustavo Bervian Brand gugabrand at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 10:16:11 UTC 2012


  I am facing a big memory leak and I believe the responsible parts are the
iov_dups I am doing while reading a file to write it somewhere else,
because the system's memory is running out according to the file size I am
dealing with.
  Before calling a WIND that needs the vector as param I do a iov_dup() to
a local pointer and this goes as the WIND parameter.

  To correctly deallocate this, the best thing is a GF_FREE after the WIND
or saving the pointer to local and deallocate it at the callback? Or any
other approach, like only before the UNWIND after the sequence of
WINDs(where I am deallocating the local, for example)?

Gustavo Brand
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