[Gluster-devel] Introducing Quora like Gluster Community Site (beta)

Anand Babu Periasamy ab at gluster.com
Thu Apr 14 06:06:13 UTC 2011

New Gluster Community Platform: http://community.gluster.org

We are pleased to announce a Quora like community platform (beta),
where the focus is on *YOU* and your peers in the Community. We wanted
to provide a platform for all of you to engage with each other and
share everything (ugly, bad and the good) with other community members
and us.  We want your questions heard and answers recognized. Best
contributors will be considered for "Gluster Hacker of the Year" award
and  "Gluster  of Fame" page.

The new interface is a Q&A platform which is a radical shift away from
the old BBS based forums that you may be so used. The system has lots
of new features:
1. Quick and easy search (with auto complete).
2. Community based voting.
3. Follow key questions and contributors.
4. Tagging to organize information into knowledge base.
and more.

Whats wrong with Mailman:
 * Contributors and their contributions are not recognized and
rewarded. No [Like] & [Follow] buttons.
 * Important answers and frequently asked questions may go unnoticed.
 * Google + Mailman-Archive is != Knowledge base.
 * Past is past. Answers are lost in time and no one answers
yesterday's questions.
 * No way to organize contributed questions and answers.
 * Don't know who's who. We only know their emai-ids and IRC nicks.
 * and most importantly, Mailmain is not addictive ;-)

Happy Hacking!
Gluster Team

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