[Gluster-devel] glusterfs entry in fstab

Ian Rogers ian.rogers at contactclean.com
Thu Mar 18 14:32:22 UTC 2010

On 18/03/2010 09:46, Amar Tumballi wrote:
>     did anybody know how i do an entry for glusterfs in fstab with
>     options like = (--disable-direct-io-mode)?
>     is this correct?
>     fstab:
>     /etc/glusterfs/mount-backup01-client_repl.vol   /GFS/backup01  
>     glusterfs       defaults,--disable-direct-io-mode       0 0
> The above is not correct. The correct entry in /etc/fstab (as of today)is
> /etc/glusterfs/mount-backup01-client_repl.vol /GFS/backup01 glusterfs 
> defaults,direct-io-mode=disable 0 0
> Regards,
> Amar

Amar's suggestion is good if you have the vol definitions on the 
client.  We have 2 bricks and lots of clients, so it's more convenient 
to keep the vol config on the bricks.  The fstab entry can then be (in 
our case)

brick.my.domain:data_scripts /data/scripts   glusterfs  
disable-direct-io-mode,noatime  0  0

[aside: We also use dynamic dns to keep "brick.my.domain" up to date.]

In /etc/glusterfs/glusterfsd.vol have something like

volume dir_data_scripts
   type storage/posix
   option directory /gfs/data/scripts/export

volume lock_data_scripts
     type features/locks
     subvolumes dir_data_scripts

volume export_data_scripts
   type performance/io-threads
   option thread-count 128  # default is 1
   subvolumes lock_data_scripts

volume server-tcp
     type protocol/server
     option transport-type tcp
     option transport.socket.nodelay on
     option auth.addr.export_data_scripts.allow *
     option volume-filename.data_scripts /etc/glusterfs/data_scripts.vol
     subvolumes export_data_scripts

We then put our client vol config in the file 
/etc/glusterfs/data_scripts.vol on the bricks.


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